They’re out to get us!
The weather witches I mean.
Shriek! Moan! Groan!
It looks like the weather will be a rain even from 1 July through to Monday with 3-5mm per day. Not the sort of weather for walks in the woods or on the beach.
So, it would appear that my idea in the last post will be a non starter. Or, at least, the dates will have to change. As of now it looks like Monday and Tuesday will be better so that if what we, aboard Nelleke, will be planning. A Monday morning sail out to McNutt’s and returning through Tuesday afternoon. Anyone who would like to is welcome to join us.
I just hope that I haven’t jinxed us with the weather witches by voicing our plans.
MJC “Mike” Turney
Developments on Cruising
Well! I guess it just wouldn’t be the cruising lifestyle if plans didn’t consistently change, would it?
The club’s schedule for cruising has specific dates and times and agendas but none of account the weather, along with a myriad of other things that can interfere with the best laid plans. The original cruise to McNutts was cancelled or at the very least not carried out due to weather, and it looks like the second cruise to Carter’s beach will be cancelled due to both weather and because the initial plan stage of the race to Lockport has been changed to a race inside the harbor.
Although disappointing, I would like to propose to let the schedule stand as a broad brush stroke objective to what we would like to do and we will conduct cruises as much according to that schedule as we can and are able. For instance, this weekend I propose to conduct the McNutts cruise beginning on Friday after the dinner as we had intended for the original cruise. As of today, Tuesday, the forecast for Friday is heavy rain but Saturday will be nice. If we can, we plan to be away Friday after the dinner at the club to either pick up the club morning or to anchor off of McNutt’s Island for the evening and the following day.
As planned for the original cruise, all members are invited, Power and Sail, Dingy and Kayak.
MJC “Mike” Turney