SHYC has a long tradition of racing, and firmly believes that racing is an important component of yacht club activity, and we encourage any member who has not raced before to consider becoming involved in this aspect of sailing. Members who have not experienced racing can learn to do so by becoming part of the crew on another boat…..just to get the hang of things. Please contact our Rear Commodore if you are interested in participating
Another important part of learning about racing is understanding race management….that is …actually managing the races…a great way to learn the rules. Those members who are interested in becoming part of the Race Committee, should talk with the Rear Commodore.
We have keel boat races on Thursday evenings, starting at 5:30pm, and on some weekends. We have three boat classes regularly competing using Nova Scotia PHRF rating rules, both Spinnaker & White Sails.
We also have a number of special event races during the year. You can access our race schedule here.