We are very pleased to advise that the SHYC Crusing Group has scheduled it’s 1st cruise of the summer.

Our first cruise will be a simple weekend out to McNutts Island. The purpose, besides visiting the island, is to shake out the boats’ systems and ensure that they all work while we are still close to home.
This cruise is open to all interested parties. Sail and power boats are encouraged to attend as well as dingy sailors. Even kayakers can paddle out to join us. The latter might bring camping gear to stay on the island or make arrangements with the larger boats for a bunk if COVID restrictions allow.
Participants will travel on their own time out to the Horseshoe Anchorage at McNutts and either anchor or tie off to the Government Wharf. The wharf is not in the best of shape and it is recommended that you bring along a fender board if you intend to use it.
The following schedule is suggested:
- Departure from SHYC sometime Friday afternoon with arrival at the anchorage on or before early evening
- “Sundowners” with snacks on Friday evening to watch the sunset
- Walk on the island on Saturday
- Pot luck dinner Saturday night. The crew of Nelleke will be doing their best to provide scallops.
- Return to SHYC on Sunday
- We might also organize a cruise breakfast on Sunday morning before returning to the club
The cruise is subject to weather conditions and the committee is open to other suggestions
There are no fees or commitments, but to give us an idea of how many will participate or if you have any other questions, please contact Mike Turney, Chair of the Cruising Committee at: svnelleke@gmail.com
As responsible cruisers, we will have to observe whatever Covid restrictions are in place at the time. For instance, rafting up may not be possible.